Take that, "camera in use by another application" error message! Wahaha!
Desk doodles
I made a detailed mess while eating chocolate
Do you see the face? I'm pareidolic.
I made myself a Jenny Wren catcher
Real tree, faux bird.
Inspiration of the week: MRS "HO YEA" PEGGY HILL!
Shrinky Dink + Prisma markers + supervised oven operating.
2xdouble vision vision. Though the illusion is far more potent on a shadowless, beardless face.
Server down? Make an art!
SF Beer week
Far away loves
Oldie photo but a goodie. Right now my friends on the east coast are buried in snow. Sorry, guys. Stay warm & happy.
Yes, it is
Fork chop, baby
Bored at dinner? Try some fun juxtoposition with the app Diptic. It does what the name suggests, makes a diptych.
I love/hate Helvetica
Happy New Calendar! Massimo Vignelli from Crate & Barrel. MMmmhm. And say hi to my few friend, Rue Cat.)
Go tell it on the mountain
l-l-l-l-lunar eclipse
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
When you wake at noon on a rainy Sunday and your tomato soup just doesn't come out right...play with the bulb setting on your DSLR. This setting makes it easy to make double exposed images.
"Slot machines no longer reward you with quarters because sex workers no longer cost a quarter"
Halloween 2k10
Happy Fish
Happy Fish staring Cat Cookies for People (Shapes 1 and 2) and Goldfish Crackers (who also happen to be the worst actors in the world—they wouldn't stop smiling!)