I made this one for a lady with purple hair.
This may be why I haven't gotten anything done tonight
Take that, "camera in use by another application" error message! Wahaha!
Desk doodles
I made a detailed mess while eating chocolate
Do you see the face? I'm pareidolic.
I made myself a Jenny Wren catcher
Real tree, faux bird.
Inspiration of the week: MRS "HO YEA" PEGGY HILL!
Shrinky Dink + Prisma markers + supervised oven operating.
2xdouble vision vision. Though the illusion is far more potent on a shadowless, beardless face.
Server down? Make an art!
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
When you wake at noon on a rainy Sunday and your tomato soup just doesn't come out right...play with the bulb setting on your DSLR. This setting makes it easy to make double exposed images.
Happy Fish
Happy Fish staring Cat Cookies for People (Shapes 1 and 2) and Goldfish Crackers (who also happen to be the worst actors in the world—they wouldn't stop smiling!)
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A Serious Woman
Toy x10.app
PictureShow.app adds toy camera effects to photos. Now everyone can be a hipster without the hassle of developing film /wahhh
Collage project success
Pottery Barn catalogs + IKEA table + paper glue = THIS!
It was a messy project, and I loved every tedious second of it.
Octo Garden goes live!
Bendaroos are the perfect toy. For 20something year olds.
& special thanks to my flatmate Sean for slaving over the construction of Flower #1.
Go team go!
Toy scanner
Large format film negatives. Sprockets holes. The Stacey Five. BAM.
Toy 120
Got 120 film for the 120 toy camera. Let's play:
On my twenty second birthday my Nikon gave to me
No she does not dance alone
Jurrell Brown graduated his three month Marine bootcamp and was back in town for nine days. For the homecoming event, I made a mix tape (err, cd) of our favorite lovey tunes & Photoshop'd this commemorative image:
Forever a gentle soul, love you Jurellrell!