Desk views o_O
Bright, Vic, Australia
I must be a silly American, because I thought the second you land in Australia you see kangaroos hopping around. Well, not exactly. Drive three hours north to Bright and you'll find some roos. Which are basically timid tripods with t-rex arms. And I love them all.
This snail looks depressed, doesn't he
...we should really take him to the snail-spital.
I made a mini earth ball
Glass globe + mini moss mountain + baby monkey.
Though, the moss promptly died. I didn't place a layer of pebbles (a filter) beneath the dirt, so it drowned the first time I gave it a drink. I'm a moss killer, gotta bury it in the backyard before Maude finds out.
Coco for camera apps
Recently my iPhone has become my main camera…and I have a growing obsession with camera iOS apps.
Each app has some noteworthy features: an excuse to use a toy camera without developing film or shopping at Urban Outfitters (PictureShow), image cropping on the go (Camera+), filters to make your life look more interesting (Instagram), no need to be your own stitch assistant (Photosynth), and...
I don't know what to think about this one:
Pudding Camera (icon above in Korean characters) just confuses me.
Maybe because it's in Korean. Or maybe because it takes quad photos so rapidly that if doesn't have time to focus, or maybe because its depth of field gets confused.
Oh well. Time to put down the camera and play with my dinner. I made a cat face.
Do make say think
I made a detailed mess while eating chocolate
Do you see the face? I'm pareidolic.
SF Beer week
Yes, it is
Fork chop, baby
Bored at dinner? Try some fun juxtoposition with the app Diptic. It does what the name suggests, makes a diptych.
I love/hate Helvetica
Happy New Calendar! Massimo Vignelli from Crate & Barrel. MMmmhm. And say hi to my few friend, Rue Cat.)
Go tell it on the mountain
South on Stanyan Street, SF
l-l-l-l-lunar eclipse
"Work with what you have"
"Slot machines no longer reward you with quarters because sex workers no longer cost a quarter"
Circus Circus. Dirty, low minimum bets, & footlongs.
Huge interactive type, yes please!
The M&M store has the complete rainbow of chocolate covered candies. I needed olive and mustard, my current favorite palette.
In reality, he eventually had exactly zero riches, and his entire life was inventoried and auctioned off. So, to be more accurate, this machine should rewards winners with paint brushes, silk scarves & fancy hats.
Faux France
Faux France even has a Hector Guimard nouveau style metro shelter. If I'm not mistaken, there is only one original still in use today. I'll have to go to France to confirm :)
Jenny-approved gambling
Even the Beatles have a Cirque du Soleil show. Now available on iTunes.
Toy x10.app
PictureShow.app adds toy camera effects to photos. Now everyone can be a hipster without the hassle of developing film /wahhh
This is guy downtown somewhere, I think on Mission.
Helvetica tshirts!
"HD" glasses
Sara + Jenny
Dan in Alamo Square, March 19th 2010 (a big day)
Jessie in Santa Cruz
Josh, josh, jehh
Let's go fly a kite in Mountain View
Good morning, Richmond VA
Bar for brunch with Boggle, BYO fruit.
Cleaning my room with a cat
Thom is helpful.
Thanks, Thom
Awhile ago Thom opened up my iBook to fix something. While inside, he wrote out all of the words to my favorite Rx Bandits song. He only told me that he did this, I didn't get to see the evidence.
So, two years later when I open up the machine for another repair I finally get to see the scribbles.
Tell me that isn't the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.
Thank you!